Tuesday, June 23, 2009

VBS...one week later

Last week I had the great opportunity (yes I said great) of helping with the kindergarden class at bible school. Caitlin and I averaged about 5-7 kids per night, but man were they energetic. Every night I would go home exhausted, but I'd definitely say it was all worth it. I had forgotten how open kids are when it comes to their thoughts. Thursday night I was sitting at the end of the row for the closing songs and short program. All the leaders were given trash bags and the kids told us some things they had done that were wrong in order to "put them in the trash bags." There were all sorts of responses such as "Once I hit my sister" and "I didn't clean my room when my mom asked me to, but I said I did." Then the trash bags were hung on a cross at the front of the sanctuary. We started singing Amazing Love (which happens to be one of my favorites) and a man dressed in a white robe started walking down the center aisle toward the cross. The little boy sitting next to me looked at me and said, "Sarah, that man is Jesus." As the bags were being taken off the cross, he explained that Jesus died for our sins so that we could all go to Heaven...it doesn't matter what you've done, you can still be forgiven. Hearing this explained by a five year old as if I had no idea what was going on was a little funny but also pretty touching. I think moments like that are what make the entire week worth it. It's not about the games, crafts, or the time I take out of my day to be there...it's about possibly having a slight impact in a child's life. Plus there's also the impact a child can have on you. He reminded me that as long as I ask for it, I can find forgiveness. What an amazing week.

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