Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thank God for Friends...and Slushies

It has just been one of those weeks where I think "Ugh, can it just be over already?!" I really hate it when things don't go as I had planned. I'll admit it...I like to be in control. Then when things don't work out, I realize that I actually have control over very little. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that it's one of those things that has really made me want to be by myself and just get away for awhile. I'm sooooooo ready to go back to Purdue. I miss my friends...and most of all, I miss being busy. Having nothing to do is the worst thing ever when you're trying really hard NOT to think about what has been happening and what you could have done differently. Hindsight is 20/20...and it's not like I'm a time traveler who could change the past. Sometimes I think that lack of ability is extremely unfortunate. Oh well. No use dwelling. And that's where I get to my point: thank God for friends. I've been reminded, once again, how lucky I am to have such great friends. As much as I want to curl up in my bed and sleep for days, they've forced me to get out of the house and have some fun. Last night as I was riding in a car through Leo and Grabill drinking a slushie, blasting country music, and singing at the top of my lungs I realized that I hadn't thought about the previous days at all. I had forgotten to be unhappy. Thank you Amanda. Although is it really possible to be unhappy while drinking a giant slushie?
In other news, tomorrow I'll be done with summer classes. It's about time. And Tuesday I'm leaving for Virginia with my family. 10 hours in the car should be interesting, but I'm looking forward to spend time with them. It's weird to think that this could be one of the last family vacations we ever take. Time really does fly. So this week I'll be setting aside technology (or at least trying to set my cell phone aside) and enjoying some time with the family.
I hope everyone has a good week.

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